We use a world leading video service to play our videos. Even though the video has started, it may still take additional time to buffer fully. You should be able to see an increasing % in the bottom left hand corner as well as a load bar along the bottom.

Do not try and fast forward or slide the video player bar forward until the video has fully loaded.

Once fully loaded you should be able to move forward and back, pause and skip throughout.

Potential issues:

My video is not loading at all

If your video is not playable after a reasonable period of time (2 minutes max) you may just be seeing a gray screen and spinning circle. Some possible solutions:

  1. Check your internet access quality and speed. If you are using WIFI you will probably need at least 3 and preferably 4 bars of connectivity. If you are hard wired check other websites and compare the load speed. If all of them are loading slowly there may be a lack of bandwidth for the video buffer.
  2. Older versions of Internet Explorer. If our computer is more than 7 or 8 years old you may have some compatibility issues with your version of Internet Explorer. In that case we recommend that you download the free Google Chrome browser, which only takes a few seconds, and try loggin in with that software. https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/
  3. Hardware issues. Our new site format is designed to work with PC, Mac and Android products. If you are using something brand new or relatively old let us know and we'll test from our end.

My video is only loading partially

Some possible solutions:

  1. Internet connection interrupted. If your WIFI or hard wired connection was disrupted, even for a few seconds, you may have to return to the Members Area and re-select the video in question.
  2. Buffering capacity. If you do not have access to high speed internet through your service provider you may not be able to download our larger video files. Drop me a line and we will test your account on our computers to see if that may be the case. grant@moneytalks.net

If you are still having issues, please post a support ticket and we will help you.